# General Preparations **Welcome to our Applied Atmospheric Modelling Seminar.** This is a collection of all preparations which need to be done prior to the exercises. We will remind you about these preparations at the begin of the different exercises. * **Grouping** (especially for ICON exercises): * Do you already have an **account** for the DKRZ HPC platform "Levante"? If not, ask you supervisor! * *for onsite*: * we sit together in one room and also work together as group * please find a good compromise between working for your own and asking for help * *for online only*: * Each group will have a dedicated breakout room in our zoom session. Please check if you know which group you belong to and also check if it works to enter the breakout room. * General workflow for each group of two people: * One is typing and sharing the screen. * The otherone is talking and gives advices. * Please change roles between morning and afternoon sessions. ## First Steps to Get Started ### Step 1: Jupyter JupyterHub can be used for - access to the supercomputer - data analysis with Python. A dedicated [tutorial](Getting_Started_with_JupyterHub_at_DKRZ.md) exists. Please go step by step through this tutorial! ### Step 2: Bash **Learn the basic commands** * Bash commands on the terminal allow you to do everything you would normally do in files with your mouse (copy, move, delete files, etc...) directly on a remote server. * The most used bash commands are : * A general tutorial : Please test some Bash commands in the terminal of DKRZ JupyterHub! ### Step 3: Job Queueing "Levante" is the supercomputer at German Climate Computing Center DKRZ (see https://docs.dkrz.de/doc/levante/index.html). It is a Linux server. Special commands (e.g. `sbatch`, `scancel`, `squeue`) exist to submit or cancel simulation jobs on Levante. The job scheduler is called slurm. Please read through - this DKRZ page (https://docs.dkrz.de/doc/levante/running-jobs/index.html) and - [Running jobs at DKRZ](Getting_Started_with_JupyterHub_at_DKRZ.md) before you start your first job! ### Step 4: Vim **Learn vim**: These two links help you to learn some vim basics: * *