How Do Convection and Microphysics Parameterizations Impact a Regional Weather Forecast with ICON-LAM?

  • Training Objectives: The main objectives of this training exercise are to

    • learn to make a regional weather forecast with the ICON model in limited area mode (LAM)

    • study the sensitivity of simulated atmospheric variables (e.g. precipitation) on model parameterization choices

    • work on a supercomputing platform incl. compilation of model source code and submission of simulation jobs

  • ICON (see

    The ICON modelling framework is a joint project between the German Weather Service and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology for developing a unified next-generation global numerical weather prediction and climate modelling system. The ICON model has been introduced into DWD`s operational forecast system in January 2015.

Getting Started / Preparations

  • Do you already have an account for the DKRZ? If not, ask you supervisor!

  • Learn to work with the High-Performance Computing (HPC) platform “Levante”

  • JupyterHub can be used for data analysis with Python. A dedicated tutorial exists to help you to get started.

  • Preparations for a Clean Environment: It seems to be that conflicting modules are used in the ECHAM and in the ICON exercises. Hence, before we start here, we need to clean our enviroment on levante.

    • After login with ssh (see also below)

    • check if there is a .bash_profile file

      ls ~/.bash_profile
    • if yes, open the file in vim and comment the content out!

    • logout (exit) and login again with ssh

    • unload all modules (this is to be really on the save side!)

      module purge

EXERCISE 1: Make the First ICON Simulations (session 2)

EXERCISE 1.1: Very First Steps on Levante

  • Log into levante (if you are using jupyterhub terminal: please also type the ssh command there to transistion to the levante login node)

    ssh -X <MyUser>
  • Set the exercise path: You can either type this command into your terminal after each login or you write it into your ~/.bashrc and activate it once with source ~/.bashrc.

    export EXERCISE_DIR=/work/bb1224/2023_MS-COURSE/
  • Set the System Language to English:

    export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  • Get your notebooks: You will copy the example notebooks to your own home directory via:

    cd ~
    mkdir -p notebooks
    cp ${EXERCISE_DIR}/nbooks/0?-*.ipynb notebooks  
  • Link your work directory: ICON data will be too large to fit into your ${HOME} directory we therefore need to do our work at the work directory. We do the linking only once!

    cd ~
    ln -s /work/bb1224/userspace/${USER} workspace

    Now move to our workspace directory via:

    cd ~/workspace

EXERCISE 1.2: Compilation of ICON-LAM

We aim to compile ICON in a separate build directory, so executable and source code are separated.

  • We make a separate build directory icon-build:

    mkdir icon-build
    cd icon-build
  • and configure the ICON using Intel compiler settings

    # ${EXERCISE_DIR}/model/icon/config/dkrz/ --help  # can be used to see options
    ${EXERCISE_DIR}/model/icon/config/dkrz/ --enable-openmp --disable-jsbach --disable-art

    … this takes some time …

  • Final compilation is done with:

    make -j 16

    … and this takes even longer … You can proceed with exercise 1.3 to bridge the time or you take a break and grab a coffee.

After successful compilation, the ICON executable is located in the bin directory. Do you find it?

EXERCISE 1.3: Become Familiar with Input Data

ICON needs some input data. The main types are

  • grid information

  • external parameters

  • initial condition data

  • boundary condition data

Task: Please, go to the DWD website and download the ICON tutorial onto your computer. Chapter 2 “Necessary Input Data” of this tutorial treats all you have to know about ICON input data. Read carefully through it!

  • Load Post-Processing Tools: We need to load some module to have access to the tools we need:

    module load cdo netcdf-c
  • Computing grid:

    • The grid data are stored under: ${EXERCISE_DIR}/data/icon-lem/grids-extpar/lpz_r2/

    • To know what is inside the grid file, type:

      cdo sinfov ${EXERCISE_DIR}/data/icon-lem/grids-extpar/lpz_r2/

      The ICON grid is made of centers, vertices and edges. Another command, that helps are study the grid file is

      ncdump -h  ${EXERCISE_DIR}/data/icon-lem/grids-extpar/lpz_r2/
      • Task: Search for the attritubes: <grid_root> & <grid_level>. Both combine to the resolution shortcut R<grid_root>B<grid_level> typically used to indicate the underlying ICON grid. Use equation (2.1) from the ICON tutorial to estimate the effective mesh size.

  • External parameters (extpar)

    • The external parameters are also stored under: ${EXERCISE_DIR}/data/icon-lem/grids-extpar/lpz_r2/

    • Type:

      cdo sinfov  ${EXERCISE_DIR}/data/icon-lem/grids-extpar/lpz_r2/


      ncdump -h ${EXERCISE_DIR}/data/icon-lem/grids-extpar/lpz_r2/

      to see the content.

  • Initial conditions (IC):

    • IC are stored here: ${EXERCISE_DIR}/data/icon-lem/bc-init/lpz_r2/

    • IC are derived from 0z analysis of the ECMWF forecast model IFS. It mainly contains prognostic variables as 3D fields and some surface properties (incl. soil moisture)

    • Type:

      cdo sinfov  ${EXERCISE_DIR}/data/icon-lem/bc-init/lpz_r2/
  • Boundary conditions (BC):

    • BC are also stored here: ${EXERCISE_DIR}/data/icon-lem/bc-init/lpz_r2/

    • BC are derived from forecasts of the ECMWF forecast model IFS initialed at 0z.

    • Type:

      cdo sinfov  ${EXERCISE_DIR}/data/icon-lem/bc-init/lpz_r2/

      BC are only given close to the domain edge. Do you see the difference in the number of grid points compared to the IC?

Task: Open JupyterHub as described here. In JupyterHub, launch a copy of your tutorial notebook ~/notebooks/01-Plotting-ICON-Topography.ipynb, run it and solve all included tasks. It shows you how to open the grid file and how to work with the grid and external parameters of ICON.

EXERCISE 1.4: Get and Prepare the Runscript

  • Get the experiment script

    • Once installation of ICON is done, you need a dedicated experiment script to configure and start your simulation.

    • To get an own copy of the prepared script, type:

      cd ~/workspace/icon-build
      cp ${EXERCISE_DIR}/material/exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base run

      Now, you have your experiment script in your run folder.

  • Prepare the test run

    • Our first test should only run for a small time period, say one hour. This needs to be input into our experiment script.

    • Open the script in vim:

      cd run
      vim exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base
    • Search for the end_date variable.

    • Input a string for end_date in a similar way as is already done for start_date (but with +1 hour). Check ICON tutorial if you need some infos on the time string format.

EXERCISE 1.5: Make a Test Run and a Base Run

  • Make your first test run:

    • You need to convert your experiment script into a run script (This is specific for DKRZ servers). Note that only the experiment name is used in the command (the prefix exp. is omitted)!

      cd ..
      ./make_runscripts icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base
      cd run
    • Now you should have obtained a new script called Open it with vim (write back with “:wq”).

    • Check the slurm directives! The following directives need to be there (among all others) … Please add a directive if not present! Take care that all duplicate entries are removed!

      #SBATCH --account=bb1224
      #SBATCH --nodes=3

      It selects 3 nodes of the supercomputer Levante. Each node has 128 CPU cores.

    • Start your first ICON job with


      and monitor your job as described in Running_jobs_at_DKRZ.

      Task: Check the logfile (something that starts with*). Open it with vim. Did your test run through without errors?

  • Make the base run:

    • The base run of our ICON sensitivity study shall compute one day, i.e. 24 hours.

    • Open exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base again and modify end_date accordingly.

      vim exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base
    • Then, you need to repeat all steps (create a run script + adapt slurm directives + submit with sbatch) as for the short test run. Try to be concentrated ;-)

    • Take a look at the new logfile again. Did everything go fine?

EXERCISE 1.6: Analyze Your Data on JupyterHub

EXERCISE 2: Make a Sensitivity Run with Respect to Cloud Microphysics (session 3)

In this exercise, we will modify parameters controlling the gridscale cloud microphysics and test what changes will result in the ICON forecasts.

At the beginning (see exercise 1.1):

  • log into levante via ssh

  • export the variables ${EXERCISE_DIR} & ${LANG}

EXERCISE 2.1: Prepare a New Experiment

  • Copy experiment script:

    • Go to your run folder in the ICON installation.

      cd ~/workspace/icon-build/run/
    • Create a new experiment script. We will start from our “old” experiment script called exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base by copying it.

      cp exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens01

      Our new experiment is called “icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens01”!

  • Modify cloud microphysics:

    • Open the experiment script with vim:

      vim exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens01
    • Search for the namelist variable “inwp_gscp”

      • What is the current value of this variable? And what does this mean? (See ICON tutorial, chapter 3.8.3)

    • Change cloud microphysics settings

      • We want to switch to a single-moment microphysics scheme that also predicts the hydrometeor category “graupel”. What setting of “inwp_gscp” would that be?

      • Apply the change in your experiment file and save the changes in vim (apply “:wq”).

EXERCISE 2.2: Perform ICON sensitivity run

All these steps here are similar to the preparations already done in exercise 1.5! The only exception is that your experiment script is now named exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens01 and not exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base. Everything clear so far?

  • Prepare run script:

    • Create a runscript with make_runscripts.

    • Modify slurm directives (starting with #SBATCH).

  • Start your cloud microphysics run:

  • Check job and logs:

    • Use squeue -u ${USER} to see if your job is running.

    • Have a look at your logs. Now, your logfile starts with*.

    • Is everthing OK? What data is in the experiment directory ll ~/workspace/icon-build/experiments/icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens01? Is everything complete? [1]

EXERCISE 2.3: Analyze your Data on JupyterHub

  • Open JupyterHub again.

  • Analyze the model results and differences between base and sensitivity run with Jupyter notebooks.

    • Use notebooks from session 2 and plot variables for your data in the new path ~/workspace/icon-build/experiments/icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens01

    • Analyze physics tendencies

      • Follow the example 02-Plot_Profiles_from_ICON_3D_Data.ipynb.

      • Make a copy of this notebook and rename it accordingly.

      • Change input files, take the onces related to physics tendencies (3d_full_tend*

      • Plot average tendencies.

      • Can you interpret the outcome?

    • Direct comparison of base and sensitivity run.

      • Follow the example 05-Compare_Data_from_different_Sensitivity_Experiments.ipynb.

        • It provides you a method to read several experiments into one notebook for direct comparison (see input cell [8])

        • Change the list of experiments

        exp_list = ['base', 'sens01', 'sens02']


        exp_list = ['base', 'sens01', ]

        in input cell [6] before you run the notebook.

        • Note and complete the tasks at the end of the notebook.


EXERCISE 3: Make Sensitivity Run with Respect to Convection (session 4)

In this exercise, we will modify parameters controlling the convection parameterization and test what changes result in the ICON forecasts. The way, we walk through the exercises is very similar to the exercises 2 from session 3.

At the beginning (see exercise 1.1):

  • log into levante via ssh

  • export the variables ${EXERCISE_DIR} & ${LANG}

EXERCISE 3.1: Prepare a New Experiment

  • Copy the experiment script:

    • Go to your run folder in the ICON installation

      cd ~/workspace/icon-build/run/
    • Create a new experiment script. We will start from our “old” experiment script called exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base by copying it.

      cp exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens02

      Our new experiment is called “icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens02”!

  • Modify the convection settings:

    • Open the experiment script with vim:

      vim exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens02
    • Search for the namelist variable “inwp_convection” (you will find it at line 175, just below the clouds microphysics parameter)

      • What is the current value of this variable? And what does this mean? (See ICON tutorial, chapter 3.8.4)

    • Switch the convection parameterization off.

      • We want to switch the parameterization of moist convection off. What setting of “inwp_convection” would it be?

      • Apply the change in your experiment file and save the changes in vim (apply “:wq”)

EXERCISE 3.2: Perform ICON sensitivity run

All these steps are again similar to the preparations already done in exercise 1.5 and in exercise 2.2! The only exception is that your experiment script is now named exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens02 and not exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-base or exp.icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens01. Everything clear so far?

  • Prepare run script:

    • Create a runscript with make_runscripts.

    • Modify slurm directives (starting with #SBATCH).

  • Start your run without convection parameterization:

  • Check job and logs:

    • Use squeue -u ${USER} to see if your job is running.

    • Have a look at your logs. Now, your logfile starts with*.

    • Is everthing OK? What data are in the experiment directory ll ~/workspace/icon-build/experiments/icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens02? Is everything complete?[2]

EXERCISE 3.3: Analyze your Data on JupyterHub

  • Open JupyterHub again.

  • Analyze the model results and differences between base and sensitivity run with Jupyter notebooks.

    • Use notebooks from session 2 & 3 to plot variables from your model results in the new path ~/workspace/icon-build/experiments/icon_lam_1dom_lpz-sens02

    • Analyze physics tendencies

      • Follow the example of 02-Plot_Profiles_from_ICON_3D_Data.ipynb.

      • Make a copy of this notebook and rename it accordingly.

      • Change the input files, take the onces related to physics tendencies (3d_full_tend*

      • Plot average tendencies.

      • Can you interpret the outcome?

    • Direct comparison of base and sensitivity run.

      • Follow the example of 05-Compare_Data_from_different_Sensitivity_Experiments.ipynb

        • It provides you a method to read several experiments into one notebook for direct comparison (see input cell [8]).

        • Now, you need to change this cell back to

        exp_list = ['base', 'sens01', 'sens02']

        before you run the notebook again.

        • Again, note and complete the tasks at the end of the notebook.


EXERCISE 4: Prepare you Results for a Final Discussion (end of session 4 + session 5)

  • Finish up plots and interpret your results!

  • Select visualization and summarize the most important changes you found.

  • Prepare a bief presentation (max. two slides per exercise).

  • Contribute actively to the final discussion.