Getting Started with JupyterHub at DKRZ

General Infos

Data analysis work will be done on the supercomputer Levante at DKRZ. You find some information on high-performance computing platform here:

The main part of the proposed data analysis will be done with Jupyter Notebooks using Python as programming language. For python, you will find a lot of information in the internet. As starting point, these tutorials are interesting:

For an intro to Jupyter Notebooks, see here:


  • Do you have a DKRZ account?

    • Your work is part of the DKRZ traíning project bb1224. The first steps is to ask your supervisor for account details, i.e. username and password pair.

    • Student accounts are provided by DKRZ on a temporary basis.

  • check JupyterHub Tutorial

  • Load a Jupyter Spawner

    • type

    • You will land on this page where you need to input your mentioned account details

    • At the next page, you need to select the “Start” button in the Levante row & the Preset column below the Spawner Options title.

    • input the following options




      5 GB memory, interactive, 08:00h



      which after loading looks like this (the JupyterLab interface):

    • You will land in your Levante ${HOME} directory. Please, check the documentation linked above to know how much space is free for you (keyword: “quotas”).

  • Create Folders: In your ${HOME} directory, you can create folders. Please do so, e.g. a “data” and a “notebooks” folder:

    Folders are created as “Untitled Folder”. Right-Check on them and rename them!

Create your first Notebook:

  • Click on “notebooks” folder

  • Click on the “Python 3 (based on module python/2023.01)” button below the “Notebook” headline (right side, first row in JupyterLab).

  • A new tab opens in the inner JupyterLab window. It looks like:

  • Rename the Notebook. Either right-click on the tab or in the file list located left and change “Untitled.ipynb” to e.g. “00-my_first_notebook” (don’t use space or special characters - it’s a linux system!)

Open a Terminal

  • Click on the blue button with the white plus sign (left upper corner in JupyterLab). This brings you back to the Launcher view which is opened as additional tab.

  • Click on “Terminal” (first button under the “Other” headline, see

  • A terminal will open in a new tab. It looks like

  • Note that you can do all exercises also in this (or such a) terminal.

Now, you are ready to get the course material!